UAE regulator attends ALMERA workshops

UAE is a member of the ALMERA network, a worldwide network of analytical laboratories, established by the IAEA. Through a series of workshops and meetings the ALMERA network aims to ensure harmonization amongst its laboratories.

Two international meetings were held by ALMERA this month. The first training workshop was  organized by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), in collaboration with the IAEA, and focused on the Determination of Organically Bound Tritium in Food Samples Using Liquid Scintillation Counting. It is part of the specific support provided to the laboratories, which includes methodological developments, proficiency tests and targeted training.

The course trained the participants on several food samples preparation methods and Liquid scintillation measurement process which they will be able to apply in their laboratories as part of their environmental radioactivity monitoring programme.

Another coordination meeting was held in Sydney this month to review ALMERA activities. The UAE Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) presented and discussed ALMERA proficiency test results and related proposals. The participants  defined a future work plan for developing the network’s activities in the following fields:

recommended radio-analytical methods, reference materials and proficiency testing, methodologies supporting routine and emergency environmental monitoring, and radio-ecological assessment.