UAE supports consensus outcome at the CNS Diplomatic Conference

A Diplomatic Conference to discuss Switzerland’s proposal on stricter nuclear safety provisions in the Convention on Nuclear Safety convened in Vienna.

At the 6th CNS Review Meeting in which took place in April 2014, the majority of Contracting Parties supported a Diplomatic Conference to address a proposal by Switzerland to amend the CNS.
The UAE supported the convening of the Diplomatic Conference and the consensus outcome through the resulting Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety which aims at improving the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS).
From 9 to 13 February 2015, the Diplomatic Conference convened at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna to discuss the Swiss proposal to amend the CNS and enhance the safety of nuclear power plants throughout the world. The Vienna Declaration was put forth as an alternative consensus outcome when the Contracting Parties did not reach a consensus on the Swiss proposal.
In preparation for the Diplomatic Conference, an Informal Working Group (IWG) convened multiple meetings in efforts to reach a consensus outcome.
The Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety has been adopted by the Contracting Parties by consensus.
The Declaration demonstrates an on-going international effort to strengthen nuclear safety in the wake of the Fukushima-Daiichi accident in Japan.
The Declaration contains a series of principles to guide countries in the implementation of the objectives of the CNS.
A summary report of the discussions was issued after the closing of the conference.
Find the Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety here: